In accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 (European General Data Protection Regulation), we provide the necessary information regarding the processing of personal data carried out through this Site.
Law Firm - (Limited Liability Company “AF LEGAL GROUP”) is registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, information about the Law Firm (including location) and other details are publicly available information placed in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations, the owner of personal data.
Website - the website
Legal services - the object of the parties' agreement, goods and/or services provided by the Law Firm.
Personal Data Base - a named set of organized personal data in electronic form and/or in the form of personal data files.
Special information and materials - materials that contain directly or indirectly information about Legal Services.
Acceptance means any of the following actions:
- using the Law Firm's Website by viewing the materials and/or information posted on it;
- written (including in electronic form by means of e-mail) notification made by the User of acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
Personal data - information or a set of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified.
Processing of personal data means any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, updating, use and dissemination (distribution, sale, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including with the use of information (automated) systems.
Publicly available sources of personal data - directories, address books, registers, lists, catalogs, other systematized collections of open information containing personal data posted and published with the consent of the personal data subject.
Publicly available sources of information - print media, broadcasting media, pages on the Internet and/or created using the Internet, messenger accounts, social networks, Internet portals, public speeches and other sources of information to which individuals and legal entities have free, unrestricted access, unlimited by applicable law, access and/or access to which is open to the personal data subject.
Confidentiality of personal data - a requirement for the Website Administration or other person who has gained access to personal data to comply with the requirement to prevent their dissemination/disclosure without the consent of the personal data subject or other legal basis.
Cookies - a term used to describe information in the form of text or binary data received from the Website on a web server, which is stored by the client, i.e. the browser, and then sent to the same site if it is visited again.
IP address - a unique network address of a node in a computer network based on the IP protocol.
2.1. Acceptance of the Agreement by the User means the automatic and full consent of the User to this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy), the terms of processing of the User's personal data.
2.2. If the User does not agree with the terms of the Policy, he/she is obliged to stop using the Website and leave it immediately.
2.3 The Law Firm is not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the User. Any actions taken to register the User and/or performed using the User's account and/or personal account shall be deemed to be performed by this User.
2.4. The Law Firm is not responsible for third-party websites to which the User may follow the links that may be available on the Website.
2.5. By accepting the Agreement, the User confirms that he/she has reached the appropriate age to enter into agreements independently and to give his/her consent to the processing of personal data.
2.6. If the Law Firm has any doubts as to whether the User has reached the appropriate age, the Law Firm shall have the right to suspend the provision of Legal Services until the circumstances are established and/or refuse to provide Legal Services to the User.
2.7. By accepting the Agreement, the User voluntarily agrees to the collection and processing of personal data for the following purposes:
1) identification of the User;
2) providing the User with access to the resources and information of the Website;
3) providing the User with access to his/her Personal Account;
4) communication with the User regarding Legal Services, processing of his/her requests;
5) sending advertising and special offers, information about promotions or any other information about the activities of the Website, the Law Firm by means of communication (by e-mail, mobile communication, via the Internet);
6) determining the location of the User to ensure security and prevent fraud;
7) development and improvement of the quality of Legal Services.
The User's personal data may be used for other commercial purposes of the Law Firm, not provided for in the Privacy Policy, which are within the scope of the Law Firm's activities.
2.8. The Website Administration is obliged not to disclose and ensure the protection of the confidentiality of the User's personal data provided by the User at the request of the Administration and/or when filling out the form.
2.9. Personal data is provided by the User by providing information, answers on the Site, as well as while using the Site and may include the following information
1) User's full name;
2) age of the User;
3) gender of the User;
4) contact phone number of the User;
5) photos of the User;
6) e-mail address of the User;
7) User's logins to the Internet (including accounts, messengers, etc.);
8) other confidential data about the User's identity.
In addition to the above data, the Website Administration reserves the right to automatically collect the following data when the User browses the Website in order to determine the ways of development of the Website and directions for improving the implementation of Legal Services
1) IP address of the User's electronic computing device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.);
2) information about Cookies stored in the User's browser;
3) information about the User's electronic computing device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.)
4) information about the User's browser, including the name, version of the browser, etc;
5) time of access to the Website;
6) the addresses of the pages of the Site that were viewed by the User;
7) addresses of previous pages from which the Website was accessed.
If the User disables the function of collecting Cookies, it may result in the inability to access parts of the Site. The Law Firm is not responsible for the inability to use the Website if the Cookies collection function is disabled.
2.10. The User's personal or confidential information, as specified above, is subject to storage and non-disclosure, except at the request of the competent authorities and/or only in cases and in the manner prescribed by law.
2.11. In case of loss or disclosure of Personal Information, the Website Administration and the Law Firm shall not be liable if this information:
1) became or was public at the time of loss or disclosure;
2) has become or was posted in publicly available sources of information
3) was received from a third party before it was received by the Website Administration;
4) was disclosed with the consent of the User;
5) disclosed by the User;
6) disclosed by another person to the User.
2.12. The User undertakes not to disclose/distribute confidential information of the Law Firm and other Users, which was received by the User in the course of using the Website. All information regarding the Legal Services, Special Materials, the Website, information, materials, consultations and resources posted on the Website and/or received by the User while using the Legal Services and other data that became known to the User (including, but not limited to, while using the chat) shall be considered confidential. The User has no right to transfer confidential information to third parties.
2.13. If the User fails to comply with the requirements specified in clause 2.12, if this has led to the disclosure of confidential information, the User shall be liable in accordance with the procedure established by law and shall reimburse the Law Firm (or the owner of such confidential information, if the owner is a person other than the Law Firm) for the losses incurred in full.
2.14. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out without any time limit, in any legal way, including in personal data information systems using automation tools or without using such tools.
2.15. The Website Administration takes the necessary organizational and technical measures to protect the User's personal data from disclosure. The Site Administration will use the User's personal data solely for the purpose(s) provided for in this Policy.
2.16. The User's rights regarding his personal data are defined in the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection”.
2.17. The Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Website.
2.18. The Website Administration has the right to independently change and/or supplement the terms of this Policy. Such changes and additions shall come into force from the moment they are displayed on the Site.
2.19. This Policy is governed by the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine.